Birthday letter
This has to be the most beautiful thing you’d read this morning.
A lady on Facebook identified as Akpanisi Chibuzor Christabel, wrote a
beautiful Birthday piece to her ex-boyfriend, and his reply is just
rather heartwarming.
Read Christabel’s letter to her ex-boyfriend below;
A solid soul that has no comparison. Your strategic way of doing
things is unnegotiable and incomparable. A radical giver at all times.
Your sympathetic heart speaks good volumes.
You are,
The smile behind so many smiles,
The tear behind so many tears,
The laughter behind so many laughs,
The sorrow behind so many sorrows,
The motivator behind so many motivators,
The laxity behind so many lazy ass.
I have not come here to eulogise of what is untrue about you…
are one person who would put own-happiness first,though the world may
think you selfish, but you understand that philosophy of life about not
living to impress people.
And you know BIRTHDAYS are one of those days set aside for people we cherish to be remembered.
Therefore, I remember you today because of the special position you held in my life.
You know,I remember us planning forever together but then I heard
that it’s common that things don’t go according to plan, maybe that’s
it or probably,what we hard was so rare…..
You once said,”beautiful things always come last”
Therefore,as you celebrate another Nativity, let me be the last person to pray this prayer with you…….
None of your expectations shall be cut short…
Your comfort zone shall never go dry….
The struggles of your hands shall be blessed..
And the prayers on your lips shall be answered
May you have many more BIRTHDAYS to celebrate.
Will the world think me weird if I say, “I LOVE YOU”???
HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY Obikwelu chibuzor MacAnthony
Age massively…..
Below is REX’s reply:
I tried making a reaction on this post, I had options to like,
love, haha, wow, sad and anger, I was gonna like it anyways but I really
loved, it was really so amazing I really needed that wow reaction
button but then watching this picture and remembering this memorable day
at trig point with Louis Adoh, Mozie Arinze, Valentine Sure Boy
Obikwelu, Adoh Lawrence, I also needed that ‘haha’ reaction, reading
further into the caption, I had so many reflections and for a second I
needed to use the ‘sad’ key.
In all the only reaction I didn’t feel was angry. At the end of it all I just had to love this post.
This is the most special gift I received today and I gladly
embrace it with a hug and a kiss to your forehead in reminisce of
beautiful moments well shared.
At the end its all joy and greater joy….you are the biggest thing
that ever happened to my earthly existence, the best human I ever known
and the most intelligent, brilliant female probably on the face of the
earth….with a heart filled with so much joy and a soul groomed with so
much excitement…..
Will the earth think I’m stupid if I say “I LOVE YOU too
Now tell me, if this isn’t beautiful?
Thursday, 19 April 2018
Author: Sam Mayor
Sam Mayor is a blogger, editor and I.T Marketer. A budding individual with the strive to share and inform the masses with contents relating to their beliefs, lifestyle and all about the entertainment.