Sunday, 15 April 2018

I Need To Break Her Before She Breaks Me

Does she not want me anymore? She’s so occupied with her life. She’s filling it with all these activities, these new people Where am I in her life?

I need to do it before she does. I need to dump her before I’m left behind I need to break her heart before she breaks mine

She’s crying over the phone She doesn’t understand why I don’t love her My heart hurts – maybe she’s playing with me. I need to move on But who?

She’s broken, needs me, shares the same background, Accepts me I feel comfortable. Hold me.

She could never hold me. 3000 miles separates us. But my heart yearns for her Why? She doesn’t want me…

She’s my best friend I could fall in love with her We could try… We are in a relationship?

Why do I keep calling her? Why does she keep telling me she loves me? I cry For the first time in years I cry

We slept together I cheated How could she ever forgive me?

Now I know, that she is who I want to be with Now I know, how do I tell her? Now I know, how do I keep both my best friend and the love of my life?



Sam Mayor is a blogger, editor and I.T Marketer. A budding individual with the strive to share and inform the masses with contents relating to their beliefs, lifestyle and all about the entertainment.