It’s over, the object of your affection decided to downsize to a dude who’s less awesome than you. You will be okay as the next spicy senorita will be here momentarily. Until she does, don’t screw up your dignity or self-respect by sending some of the thirsty text messages listed below.
1. The ‘Begging’ text – it’s pathetic
2. The ‘Promising to change’ text – let it go!
3. The ‘angry’ text
4. The ‘apologizing for the ‘angry text” text
5. The ‘can we just meet and talk’ text
6. The ‘laying it all out on the line when it’s too late’ text
7. The ‘I am doing amazing’ text
8. The ‘let’s hang out as friends’ text
9. The ‘this made me think of you’ text
10. ANY TEXT! They are your ex for a reason. It’s over. That’s good for you because there was something broken in the relationship. You deserve better than that. It’s painful, but it wasn’t right for this one, but it will be for the next one.